

FEB 15

Matthew 6:31-34
Memorise Matthew 6:33
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness”


As you seek to lay up treasures in heaven, you will sometimes be faced with fears and doubts concerning your physical need. How can your food, drink and clothing be provided for? You might also begin to compare with others who seem to have more than you. Jesus here assures us that such anxiety should be dispelled. Our daily provisions are in the hands of our heavenly Father who knows your needs. We can trust God to always give His best to those who put Him first.

Instead, our emphasis should be on seeking God’s Kingdom, rather than getting anxious about our possessions and what others have. God has divine resources to make sure that your earthly needs are met. He can provide by giving us the ability to meet our needs. He can also send people to provide for us. Elijah was supplied food and drink by the ravens. The children of Israel were fed with manna from heaven and water flowed for them out of a rock. God has varied ways of meeting our needs.

It is sufficient (enough) to think and care for the needs of today. Today’s evil (i.e. the issues you already know about), is all that we should be concerned about. There are enough problems to deal with day by day without ourselves worrying about what unanticipated evil tomorrow might reveal. We should not trouble ourselves with unnecessary anxiety. Live day by day, in ‘day-sized’ compartments.

Dear teen, if you value your soul, spend time caring for it. It is inconsistent that you who are born to a better and higher life should be spending your time engaged in material pursuits. Why turn down an opportunity to serve, just because you have lots of school work to do? Why skip a fellowship meeting just because you are tired? You will be energized by the love of God and the praise that surrounds you by your Christian friends. Why play computer games when you can learn more of the great saints of God in the Bible? Choose to walk by faith and humbly seek Him in prayer for strength and grace. It is a spiritual battle that you can win!

Thought: God will supply all you need according to His riches in glory.
Prayer: Father in heaven, give us grace that we might seek first Thy kingdom and its righteousness, in the sure and certain faith that all else shall be added unto us. AMEN.